sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011

Slogans: 11º8


Brand: Coca-Cola

Drink Coke and feel Pop: Inês Mendes/Gonçalo

Put the glory outside
Because the glory is inside it
Because the world is inside it

Don't use Coca... just drink Coca-Cola.
Don't think...just drink it

Mafalda, Inês Brito

Drink Coca-Cola and
refresh your ideas!

Feel the rhythm,
feel Pop Art

Mariana, Débora

And you mate? Join us, drink Coke!: Anton

A million ways to drink it.: Daniel,Ricardo

"What about you?"
"The same, please."

Don't bother. Order the same.
Order a Coke

Joana Vitorino

You are an artist so drink Coke
and give wings to your imagination

Vanessa, Carolina

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