terça-feira, 15 de março de 2011

Gap Year: opportunities

Gap Year: Many school-leavers in the United Kingdom decide to take some time off, usually a year, before entering university.

Gap year, working holiday abroad, or temporary and voluntary work.

Jobs:Find your perfect gap year job - holiday jobs; TEFL; work placements; voluntary jobs.

Destinations:Gap year destination guide: travel and work in Australia, the USA, Europe and more.

Adventure:Gap year expeditions, treks, tours, adventure holidays and extreme sports.

Community Development:Volunteer work placements for your gap year in Africa, Asia and around the world.

Conservation:Conservation volunteering and volunteer placements to save the world on your year out.

Study or Study Abroad:Gain qualifications, work experience and new skills on your gap year.

Volunteering:Use your gap year to volunteer with placements in Australia, Africa, South America and more.

Winter Sports:Skiing, snowboarding and other great winter sports on your gap year.

Source: http://www.gapwork.com/index.shtml

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